

Duration of Studies.

The duration of study at P.M.S. leading to receiving D.M.S. is defined in three (3) academic semesters, which includes the time for preparing a diploma thesis. The permitted duration of completion of the obligations for receiving the diploma of postgraduate studies is from three (3) to six (6) academic semesters. In exceptional cases, suspension of studies may be granted with the recommendation of the Coordinating Committee and decision of the Department Assembly and this time is not counted in the total required duration of awarding the D.M.S.

Credit units (ECTS).

The PMS is structured in two (2) semesters, each lasting at least thirteen (13) weeks, [60 ECTS], as well as one (1) semester for the writing of a postgraduate thesis [30 ECTS]. A total of ninety (90) ECTS are required to obtain a degree. Each course corresponds to four (4) ECTS credits except for the Internship which is included in both semesters which corresponds to 10ECTS [(10 courses x 4 ECTS = 40ECTS) + (2-Practice x 10 ECTS = 20 ECTS) = TOTAL =60 ECTS]. The first and second academic semesters include teaching (lectures, field studies, laboratory exercises and exams). The third semester includes the preparation of the Diploma Thesis.

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